9 Ways by which Teachers Can Inculcate Good Habits in Preschoolers

Kids are the future of any nation! The way they ought to be, depends solely on their upbringing, of which teachers are an integral part. Imparting knowledge isn’t just enough, dwelling in etiquettes and good manners personify budding beings into responsible& reflective adults of the society. Unlike the traditional teaching methodologies in India, far from home, modern teaching is targeted to nurture the children holistically in an environment conducive for learning and more; and this is now being reiterated by many top pre nursery schools in South Delhi . Here, holistic development is the keystone and teachers are no longer the knowledge givers but ‘facilitators’, who facilitate the process of learning by guiding the child while letting him explore all through: 1. Being Role Models : Being a kid with the kids is the best thing to do! But treating a young one as another respectable adult marks the onset of communication between a teacher and a presch...