Top 10 Businesses That Will Boom Post-Covid 19

About four months ago we heard of a mysterious virus that was producing pneumonia-like symptoms and today, much of the earth as we know it has come to a standstill. More than 4 billion people around the world are in a certain form of lockdown because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The lockdown will be finished one day and time will come to rejoin our job, but given the nature of the pandemic, everything is about to change. It seems that we are slowly moving towards a gradual removal of the lockdown for some sectors of the economy. The biggest challenge businesses will confront will be restarting their operations. Here, is the list of Top 10 businesses that will boom post-Covid 19: 1. Online Coaching Educational organizations around the world are compelled to shut down and shift to online coaching classes . This crisis has definitely initiated online growth for the education industry. According to the stats, education app downloads spiked in March 2020, rising nearly 3...